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Vacay during COVID-19 to Alicante Spain


Updated: Feb 3, 2023

Hello there beautiful person 😍

Last week we took a last minute trip to Alicante Spain, i went to Spain alot of times to party on the costa's and see culture in Barcelona but Alicante is so different( in a good way). you see alot more locals and everybody was so friendly! At night everything was packed with

people eating and in the weekend with people who were going to clubs and during the day the beaches were relatively full but not extremely crowded. public transportation is so easy!! we took a bus from the airport to the hotel and another bus to an outlet store.

as a vegan i had diffrent food every day without any problems! there are vegan restaurants everywhere! and the other restaurants had vegan options.

to keep things short: i would definitely return to see the parts we didn’t have enough time for.

we did however visited the mountain :

de Santa Barbara. after the very very interesting climb we found out there was an elevator! but i would clims all those stairs again. the view was amazing and they made the climb worth it by adding parks and recreation everywhere!

Speaking of parks: the Boulevard was surrounded by beautiful tries and enough benches and street-

art to enjoy yourself.

This was a quick summary of our short vacay. i hope to see you soon!

Love you all

Nofilter Marion

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